My Pitch

 Hello there again. To come up with a pitch for my film was one of the most stressful things I’ve ever done. COVID really sucks because I don’t want to put my family at risk by working with anyone or getting any outside cast. I had to come up with an idea that my mom can execute since my two other siblings are too young to play a part. Another reason this was stressful was because my mom looks older than the movie pitch idea I had in mind at first. At first I wanted to do a movie about “The It girl who is adored by the boys and envied by the girls who ended up dead. Who killed her? The list is long.” As you can tell, a woman in her late 30s isn’t going to convince anyone that’s she’s a high schooler. That was the reason that idea got trashed but without COVID, it could have been perfectly executed. I had a plan before taking this class that a friend and I would create a movie like that but this taught me to never plan to far in advance. If this was made in the early 2000s along with men girls it would’ve been a hit among that target audience. The next movie pitch I came up was “ One wrong turn and your perfect world is gone. A women left with just her puppy tries to figures herself out again.” This pitch would’ve worked with the resources I had available because all I needed was my mum and my puppy. The idea was going to be my mum waking up living her everyday life then she gets a phone call saying her husband passed away in a car crash. Her life then goes on pause and she starts losing everything starting with her house. That was the beginning of the movie. Then something traumatic happens to the pup and she realizes that’s all she has. Later on, she moves to a new town to start over and retakes her life. At the end she gets a everything back and more. That was the whole movie idea for this pitch. The next pitch and this is the one I decided to go with is “ Social media a blessing or a curse? One YouTuber on her rise to fame but quickly became the end of her.” I picked this film over the second pitch because even though both are amazing for the limited resources I have, this one brings awareness to something we are currently going through. Many people are going through depression or other mental illness because they are cooped up in the house or getting a lot of hate online. This film also only needs very limited amount of people. Here is a photo of a TikTok rising star who took her own life over quarantine and she’s one of the reasons why I wanted to bring awareness to this issue..

Dazharia Shaffer


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