
Showing posts from December, 2020

Creative Critical Reflection

Creative Critical R eflection 1.  How does your video  use or challenge conventions AND  how does it represent social groups or issues? My music video to the song “Lockdown” by Koffee uses Reggae conventions throughout the whole thing. The reggae genre was made in Jamaica and that was the setting for my video. The location for a reggae video is commonly recorded on the island (Jamaica) or a similar location that gives the same island vibes. Another way it challenges reggae conventions is by being surrounded by nature. After my actor woke up and got ready for the day, they were always outside. it is rare to watch a raggae video and see the main person staying in the house. From running to travleing to a known landmark, my music video made the audience feel as if they are always outside. The next way it challeneges raggae conventions is by giving off a feel good “irie”, calm vibe. The point of the reggae genre is to bring everyone together. The beat is always soft and mellow. Due to this

Music Video

  For this music video, I had to go through 30 minutes' worth of footage. For some of the footage, I realized slo-mo wasn't the best option for them because I had to end up speeding it up. When I sped them up, I added transitions to make sure it doesn't look choppy. When filming I made sure I had different camera angles and movements. In the beginning, I started with a birds-eye view by standing on top of the bed. My actor was sleeping and I was hoping to get the alarm ringing in the back of the music but it did not. Fast forward to the running shots this was to put in multiple angles and give off a calm vibe. Running is associated with having a good routine and being on track to wellness. The whole morning routine was to bring the audience along with me on my Jamaica morning routine during the lockdown. If there was no lockdown as stated in the song, you would've seen multiple people out enjoying the Jamaica sun every morning. (10) Next on the journey is the forest. Th

Final Filiming Blog About Second Scene

Today is the day I film the second part of my music video. I’m proud of how everything came out and how much footage I got. I know when I edit the video it will give off the calm and peaceful vibes I was hoping to go with. I had to take school off since the car ride to the country ( Saint Elizabeth) was going to be far. Since school started this was the earliest I had to wake up to go somewhere and it was 5 am. After piling into the car and going on to our 4-hour journey I finally reached the Bamboo forest. The Bamboo trees are as tall as 4 average height males maybe even taller and they bend to create a tunnel or arch over the wide road. I drive the road every time I come to Jamaica to visit my family in the country and every single time I’m taken away by how beautiful it is. This passage goes on for about 40 minutes and underneath it, you have vendors selling food such as coconuts, pepper shrimp, fruit, peanuts, etc. To get the beauty of Jamaica I decided to film at a coconut vendor

Editing blog for music video

  Today was my last day for creating the music video. I went to the Bamboo Forest and I got more photos than I even needed. You never occurred to me that five seconds it’s really short so I can’t like 20 seconds worth of footage driving down the forest. After that, I drove some more but this time I filmed in slow Mo. I stopped at a local merchant's where I found her chopping up Coconuts. I knew I needed to film her because when it came to editing this would be perfect for the video. I got a close-up of the locals drinking out of the coconut and while editing I thought about putting myself back to empathize with the taste of fresh water. I have yet to find a sound that didn’t sound too fake like a cartoon but more natural. The locals were nice enough to let me film them and they even got a film of mine. During the editing session that I did today, I had to brighten the lighting because some of the shots came out not as I expected. I got a 360 of the forest but since cars are coming