Intro blog

 Hey there how are you, I see you stumbled upon my blog. Well since you’re here let me tell you about myself so that we’re not strangers. My name is Amerie Fowler and I’m a 17 year old female with pronouns her/she. I was born on an island off the cape of Massachusetts named Nantucket. It’s right next to Martha’s Vineyard but Nantucket is 10x better.I currently live in West Palm Beach when there’s no school but go back to Broward County with my dad when there is school.  I have three siblings that came into my life that came into my life after I was 10 so the age gap is huge. Can you imagine being as old as I am and having to explain why I can’t bring them every time I am out. I had my first job this summer on Nantucket since everyone around me had one and I also decided to have 2 jobs instead of one. In my free time which I rarely have, I like to travel around the world, work on my business, mediate with my daily yoga, and work on my nonprofit. My nonprofit and business are my babies that take up all my time but I don’t mind doing since it’s what I aspire to do. In the future, I would like to move to Europe or Asia after I graduate from an American University and go to law school over there. By the time I am 30, I hope to have multiple nonprofits dealing with building schools or giving back to students all around the world who want to go to school but can’t afford to. Enough about me and let’s talk about this amazing class. As Aice Media Studies is intriguing to me because now I can understand why I cry or feel a certain emotion during certain film scenes. Every emotion that I feel is due to how the camera was moved, lighting, sound, or props. I am the type of person who can never stop wanting to learn more about things that I have no knowledge about. My favorite tv show is Greys Anatomy the most amazing show ever with 18 seasons and 22 episodes in each. I have watched every season at least 3 times and know every science word for word. I also like a lot of dystopian tv shows and movies. Anything about the old days, zombies , or weather I have probably watched it. Actions movies and early 2000s are also one of only favorites. I think it was because I was born in the early 2000s and I grew on them. The movies now don’t seems to have the same style that they had back then so I hardly watch anything new. Well that’s it about me, thank you for coming to my TED TALK.

Also this is me🙃

This is my favorite meme about 2020 so far.


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